Last updated on: 12-12-2024 06:11 AM
T&C Sports
Field Status
Field Status
Facility General Info | No Pets Allowed at T&C Sports' Fields Pet Policy & Gen'l Policies | Use on any field only with advance arrangement with office. |
Baseball 10 | Closed | |
Baseball: 7, 12-15, 21 | Closed | |
Softball: 8, 9 | Closed | |
Football/Lacrosse: 2 & 11 | Closed | |
Soccer: 1, 3-5, 20, 22-28, 31-36 | 3-6 Open Other Fields Closed | Subject to closure at time of play due to weather or field conditions. |
Miracle League Field 30 | Closed for winter | |
Game Courts 6A, 6B | Open | Subject to closure at time of play due to weather or field conditions. |
T&C Sports is a private facility. No pets or unauthorized motorized vehicles allowed near fields. See our Pet Policy & Gen’l Policies Fields open only for authorized use arranged via Click here to access the ThorMobile lightning prediction system.